Speed is the form of ecstasy
HD|Color | Two-channel video| 1920x1020| 3'20''| 2019
The title of the work comes from a quote mentioned in Milan Kundera's “Slow". The times that were accelerated by the externalization of the body are still the same now. The use of red warning lights comes from life experience and reverses it. I modified the speed of the alarm motor so that the familiar light pattern would change, thus allowing for an unusual viewing angle in daily life.
The film has captured some of the flowers and the faces of the characters. For me, I try to show a state of disorientation.Those moments of slowing down and slowing down are like a crack in life, short, fleeting and hard to capture.
HD|彩色 |雙頻道錄像裝置|1920x1020|3’20’’|2019
This is a live film recording of
a dual-channel video installation.