HD|Color | Dual-channel video Installation| 1920x1020| 118'55''| 2023
I projected three images on three walls of a space. The images are based on two films by Edward Yang, "Taipei Story " and "Terrorizers", and the other from a video I shot of the actual urban space. Through the framing of a hand-held camera to capture the "Image Coating" in the space, and the use of a hand-made Electro-magnetic Microphone to pick up the magnetic fields emitted by electronic devices. The montage of indoor and outdoor scenes in the film is reconnected by direct filming through the displacement of the body, and the separation between the "inside" and "outside" of the space is opened up to an overlapping and juxtaposed path.
我將兩個影像分别投影於空間的牆面上,影像取材於楊德昌的兩部電影《青梅竹馬》及《恐怖份子》。透過手持攝影機的框景去「剪接」空間中的「影像塗層」,並利用自製的電磁波麥克風(Electro-magnetic Microphone)收取播映端的聲音電磁訊號。我以「觀看機制關係的人」為視角化作眼睛游離於影像的表面,並試圖鬆動空間中影像的「內部」與「外部」通向一條交疊並置的路徑。
The video production was re-edited
from a two-hour, one-shot video.